Dwight Watt - Newspaper Article #308 9/16/2015

Question: Is Windows 10 less private?


I installed Windows 10 on my desktop this week and chose to customize settings.

When it went to customize settings I was surprised how much information Microsoft wants you to share in Windows 10 Several of the applications included with it (now Microsoft is calling applications apps) asked permissions to do several things

Wi-Fi Sense asked permission to keep and share my passwords and Wi-Fi locations with Microsoft and my contacts. Several other apps including movie view, and error reporting want me to approve when I get or watch movies or have errors in Windows for my contact lists (emails and phone) and my location to all be sent to Microsoft.

I chose not to share my contacts lists and my location and passwords. That appears to be easy way for phishers and hackers to get information on us to use against us. I do not see any reason Microsoft needs my contacts or password for an error that occurred in Windows for them to fix it. Remember when you do submit errors to Microsoft they tell you that they will not send you a response, but will use the information to improve Windows. What would having my contacts achieve to fixing problems in Windows?

If you have not upgraded to Windows 10 yet you may want to be careful when you are upgrading if you have privacy concerns. There is a screen in the process that has small print of a link to customize settings and if you choose that then it asks you a number of privacy settings in a number of apps

If you have already upgraded to Windows 10 and want to go back and see the settings or change them click on start button and then on settings on the menu and then choose privacy. There are a number of different areas listed on left that have different privacy settings.

Overall I am pleased with upgrade on my desktop. One application would not work and one has gone weird. More in another future article.