Dwight Watt - Newspaper Article #426 8/22/2018

Question: Will a solid state drive last forever?


No solid state drives can only be written to a certain number of times.

Solid state drives are the new “hard drives” used for longer term storage. Instead of having physical hard platters in them as hard drives did, essentially solid state drives (SSD) are using space like memory to store large amounts of information. They are much smaller than the actual hard drives and have much faster access speeds. At this point in time they cost a lot more than regular hard drives.

There are also hybrid drives available that use some pof both approaches and cost similar to traditional hard drives but faster.

The problem is that each of the locations in the SSD can only be written a number of times and then become weak and cannot hold the signal store there. For this reason you do not want to normally be doing a lot of active cache on the drives as it is written and re-written often. However the limits tend to be very high so failure times will probably tend to be similar to what we have with the physical platters. Just be aware that it is not rated as long as things like DVDs and also it is magnetically writing so will be similar to memory and thumb drives in could be wiped in in magnetic storms (whether sun spot or human induced), where DVD is burned in it so not subject to those,

SSD works great when used as normal hard drives and where data not written again and again. They will speed your machine up so many are using as their C drive, but realize there is a limitation. They work great for storing pictures, documents, etc.